Friday, May 15, 2015

Beginning a new adventure

Hello, my name is Eric and I originally planned to write this blog a while ago to discuss things happening in the Disney theme park space and to help me learn to write better.  However, life gets in the way and well-intentioned plans go by the wayside.  A couple of months ago, my wife and I started down a path that we hadn't taken before, one that we thought we would never dream of taking... We decided to relocate our family to Florida and she would take a dream job with the Walt Disney Company.

It's a bit funny how I originally titled this blog, "Into the Briar Patch."  Splash Mountain has easily been my family's favorite Disney attraction since we've been going to the parks or our children have been tall enough to ride.  I just named this blog after something I found dear to my heart, but in the end, it's a great metaphor for our new adventure. Moving out of state to someplace that feels like a permanent vacation seems like we're Brer Rabbit setting out to find some new fun.  However with everything that that the wife and I have to accomplish, it feels like Brer Fox has us in his lair.

It's been a bit overwhelming, to say the least, to start packing our lives up.  We've built a great life in a wonderful town that we've called home for so long.  I've been finding myself getting choked up when we visit our favorite places one last time before we move down to Central Florida.  It's a little sad to see me tear up walking out of Skyline Chili or one last stroll through Washington Park.  However, it's all overwhelming to know how much I'll have to explore once we setup shop in Orlando and that's not even considering being 20 minutes from my favorite place on Earth.

I keep telling myself that this move is just like Splash Mountain, it's a journey (and a boat ride for that fact), and all boat ride journeys are pretty awesome.  At this point, I'm just going to take them one scene at a time.

So... There's the beginning.  I'm going to try and write to the blog as often as I can.  Most of my writing is going to be for me.  I'm sure some of my posts might only be a few sentences.  I'm not professional in the slightest, but I hope that you might enjoy taking this journey with me.  Feel free to comment, commiserate, congratulate, critique, or any other verb that begins with C.



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